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Consent for medical care, specifically Covid Testing, herby voluntarily consent to the rendering of such care including all services required to perform a Covid test (Rapid/PCR/Antibody) by authorized members of PACGENOMICS as may in their professional judgement be necessary. I hereby acknowledge that no guarantees have been made to me as to the effect of such examinations or testing. I have read this form and certify that I understand its contents. I hereby give my consent to PACGENOMICS who will be performing Covid-19 testing and Flu Testing. I acknowledge that PACGENOMICS will bill my insurance for all testing and that I will not be responsible for any payments to PACGENOMICS. Consent to Email and/or Text Message for Appointment Reminders and Other Healthcare Communications: Patients in our practice may be contacted via email and/or text messaging to remind you of an appointment, and to provide general health reminders/information. I consent to receiving appointment reminders and other healthcare communications/information atthat email and/or text. I, myself or Guardian of First Name Last Name, do hereby consent and acknowledge my agreement to the terms set forth in the above CONSENT FORM and any subsequent changes in office policy. I understand that this consent shall remain in force from this time forward. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE ABOVE ORDERED TESTING AND I ALLOW THE RELEASE OF ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION TO AUTHORIZED MEMBERS OF PACGENOMICS LAB By signing below I agree to receive email messages with my results. I agree to testing consent.